When Assimilation is Impossible

Rudyard Kipling records that a 19th century British viceroy of the Indian Raj who, upon taking command of his province, learned it was the custom, at a man’s funeral, for the villagers to throw his almost always much younger surviving wife onto the deceased man’s funeral pyre—while she was still alive.

Upon learning of this practice, he decreed that it would stop.

Subsequently, the governor was visited by senior officers of the British Empire who endeavored to convince him that it was not wise to intervene in local matters that were cultural and religious. After all they said, “We British are greatly outnumbered here.” To which he replied, “Not on my watch.”

This week, on Pamela Geller’s site, Atlas Shrugs, she writes about a sixteen year-old British subject, Rabiyah Hussain, who testified at her father’s trial:

“He used his right hand to grab my neck. It was quite painful. He said ‘If you don’t follow my rules I will kill you.'”

The sentencing judge, Michael Leeming reverently told Rabiya’s father, Abid Hussain:

“You’re a man of high standing in the local Asian community and take your family, culture and religion very seriously. It’s clear that these offenses were committed in the context of your strict religious and cultural beliefs. At home Rabiyah had in your view departed from what was expected of her.”

And with that said, judge handed out a 12-month suspended sentence.

In referring to the judge’s servile comments, Geller calls it “dhimmispeak.” In sharia law and Islamic jurisprudence dhimmis are second-class citizens, non-Muslims living in Muslim lands. Geller’s implication is, of course, much of British authorities are already subservient dhimmis inside the once great British Isles.

The Muslim Imam’s daughter’s crime was refusing to enter into a forced marriage. In the Muslim world, this is usually punished by death, the sentence usually carried out by the girl’s male family members.

As Geller puts it:

“You would think that British judges might be coming to grips with this sort of thing already. This is extraordinary ‘dhimmitude’. The perpetrators (father and her two older brothers) showed no remorse, and the 16-year-old victim is clearly at great risk. This judge should be disbarred and publicly flogged. This young girl’s life is in serious danger, and the judge as good as handed her a death sentence while he sanctioned honor violence. The court’s response to this misogyny and barbaric torture and abuse of women is stunning.”

More from Geller’s Report:

Abid Hussain, 56, grabbed the neck of Rabiyah Abid and said: ‘If you don’t follow my rules I will kill you’ after she rejected his plans for her to wed.

Hussain also left the teenager in fear of her life as he battered her about the head at the family home above the mosque he runs at Longsight, Manchester. The father-of-five had snapped after discovering Rabiyah refused to follow strict Islamic tradition and embarked on a romance with a student she had met on Facebook. She had previously run away from home to be with him and even helped police draw up a court order banning her father from forcing her into the marriage.

At Manchester Crown Court yesterday Hussain was convicted of assault and making threats to kill. He admitted his daughter’s conduct had ‘brought shame’ on his family and caused him ‘mental torture’ but denied wrongdoing.

What is of overwhelming importance to understand here, is that unlike the still ascend British culture of the 19th century which stood up to primitive brutality, sadly now collectivist England, its Empire a distant memory, is more focused on holding onto to its retirement benefits and its wealth-transfer mechanisms. It can’t be bothered with preserving its culture. They have welcomed into their midst vast numbers of Muslims who long for the brutal conquest of the British people. And it is men like Judge Leeming (sounds like lemming) who are harbingers of their rapidly advancing servitude.

By | 2012-08-27T09:20:53-07:00 July 31st, 2012|Islam, Islam Women|Comments Off on When Assimilation is Impossible

About the Author:

Larry Kelley’s life was utterly changed by 9/11. On the day after the attacks, on his way to work, he was struck by the sudden realization that World War III had commenced. Like most Americans he desperately wanted to find out who were these people who attacked us, what could ordinary citizens do to join the battle and how can those plotting to kill us in future attacks be defeated. Mr. Kelley has written scores of columns on the dangers of western complacency.