Archived Articles by Larry Kelley
A compilation of all Larry Kelley’s published articles, blog posts and opinions.
Islam is Incompatible with a Peaceful Democracy
In the wake of the first ever Tunisian elections, it is worth reflecting upon the Athenians of the fifth century BC who first conceived of a system of governance where the many would rule the few, and worth considering that it was the Romans who refined the concept of democracy [...]
What We Want
I’m protesting with the occupiers of Wall Street. And I believe that Obama needs to stop pussyfooting around with trying to raise taxes on income. That’s chicken feed. For the sake of fairness, he needs to go after wealth that exists. He needs to appoint a new fairness [...]
Obama Jeopardizes Our National Security
As you watch the United States Congress and the Obama administration lurch toward the financial collapse of the American economy, and as the international credit rating agencies are poised to downgrade the US. AAA credit rating, don’t expect Obama to do what is best for the country. Expect him to [...]
Obama Assures Us There’s No War With Islam
On Sunday May 1, the night that President Obama announced to the world the elimination of bin Laden, he was adamant in asserting, “We’re not now nor will we ever be at war with Islam.” This unsolicited statement must have been encouraging to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his bosses, the Mullahs [...]
Disaster by the Bay
Liberal progressive politicians and policies have destroyed the black community and family—and no where is this more evident than in Oakland. The damage done has devastated the once-great city. Original Article in April 2011 Townhall Magazine (pdf) Thucydides, our primary source for the 27-year Greek civil war we call the [...]
Of Libya and Fifth Century of Rome
The following is excerpted from my forthcoming book on the Lessons from Fallen Civilizations. In AD 450s the Roman Empire’s sovereignty over Western Europe had shriveled to just a few provinces in central Italy and southern Gaul. Two decades earlier, Germanic invaders, Vandals, who controlled all Iberia (today’s Spain and [...]