News from the Front 2018-04-10T08:25:51-07:00

News from the Front

News from the Front, will show that resurgent militant Islam and its allies in rogue state capitals, from Caracas to Pyongyang, are now waging a worldwide jihad against the West, planning attacks in the Philippines, North Africa, in the Muslim enclaves of France, Britain, Sweden, the “no go zones” where European police fear to go, and in the suburbs of Washington DC where Imams openly preach hatred of America. As Catherine Herridge points out in her book, The Next Wave, law enforcement agencies are interdicting a new terrorist plot inside the US, on average, once every two weeks. Since 9/11, Muslims have launched 20,000 attacks worldwide. They indiscriminately kill the infidel and secular Muslims alike. Their mission is to intimidate, destabilize and ultimately impose fundamentalist Islam upon the non-Muslim world.

A New Kurdistan and an Islamic Reformation

In my new book, Lessons from Fallen Civilizations, Vol. II, – The Way Forward, I report that the nearly autonomous Kurds of Northern Iraq, have not only exhibited great heroism in driving ISIS out of the towns and cities near their homeland but have made enormous strides in bringing about the coming Islamic reformation. I chronicle Kurdish battlefield heroics where all-female fighting units showed the world that modern Kurdish Muslims can embrace full female human rights and elevate some women to a heroic status.  In addition, the Iraqi Kurds confound much of present Islamic dogma because they are staunch allies of both Israel and the US.

The book contains a series of published articles on Kurdistan where I propose that the time has come for the US to recognize the Kurds’ long-sought desire to live in a free and independent Kurdistan but with a final stipulation—that they officially recognize Israel’s right to exist. This, I postulate, could move mountains in terms of setting the stage for great portions of Islam to give up its fourteen-century quest to conquer the infidel and for militant Islam to lay down its arms and join the community of nations.

In the aftermath of ISIS battlefield losses to the coalition of the Iraqi Army, Kurdish Peshmerga forces, and US Special Operations, Laura Ashburn, the managing Editor of EWTN News Nightly of the Global Catholic Network, travelled with some Iraqi Christians as they made their way back to their homes. These were small enclaves in Northern Iraq, on the Nineveh plain, just outside Kurdistan, villages that had been home to Christian Chaldeans and Assyrians for two millennia.

In the village of Batnaya, Ashburn witnessed both heartbreaking destruction and signs for hope. ISIS had controlled the town for two years before being […]