Can Congress Protect Us from the Next Munich Pact?

With the Iran deal -- the JCPOC (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) -- now being reviewed by Congress, many of us worry that Obama and team will prove to be even worse negotiators than was Neville Chamberlain, the man whose contribution to the 1938 Munich Pact with Hitler’s Nazi Germany guaranteed World War II. All Americans [...]

By | 2016-03-10T05:29:52-08:00 August 7th, 2015|News From the Front, Published Articles, Townhall Magazine|Comments Off on Can Congress Protect Us from the Next Munich Pact?

President Al Sisi, Good Muslims, and Their Apostates

In the wake of the Paris shootings, the horrors visited by ISIS upon Syria and Iraq and the genocide being perpetrated by Boko Haram in North Africa, finally there seems to be an awakening even among the western mainstream media and the politically correct that there could be something endemic to Islam itself that accounts [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:05-08:00 February 13th, 2015|Islam, News From the Front, Resurgent Islam, Townhall Magazine|Comments Off on President Al Sisi, Good Muslims, and Their Apostates

Create a New Kurdistan and Destabilize Iran (Part V)

Kurds united in large political gathering demanding voters rights.  Image Source: Winton Churchill surveyed the staggering magnitude of worldwide carnage and destruction at the end of World War II and remarked that there was never a war easier to prevent. When Hitler stationed troops in the Rhineland in 1936, in clear violation of the [...]

By | 2016-04-28T12:04:12-07:00 November 14th, 2014|News From the Front, Townhall Magazine|Comments Off on Create a New Kurdistan and Destabilize Iran (Part V)

Create a New Kurdistan and Destabilize Iran (Part IV)

Running Title on Obama’s America Continues to be Mugged by Reality (Part IV) There is an aphorism which holds that a liberal will undergo a conversion to conservatism on the day after he’s been mugged. While most liberals would find this statement to contain more than a whiff of racism, they miss the point. [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:06-08:00 October 15th, 2014|News From the Front, Townhall Magazine|Comments Off on Create a New Kurdistan and Destabilize Iran (Part IV)

The American Revolution 2.0 – A Thought Experiment (The fourth in a series – Why Will the US Not Go Egypt?)

Last September 11, 2012, al-Qaeda affiliated jihadists attacked our consulate in Benghazi, killing our ambassador and three others who disobeyed orders to stand down and died trying to defend him and his staff. Yet on the night of the attack, Obama failed to order a rescue mission, went to bed, and when he awoke, flew [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:07-08:00 October 7th, 2013|News From the Front|Comments Off on The American Revolution 2.0 – A Thought Experiment (The fourth in a series – Why Will the US Not Go Egypt?)

What has Changed One-Year After the US Defeat at Benghazi?

One year ago today our consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked and our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, was killed along with three other former members of the US Special Forces who defied orders to stand down and died trying to protect him and his staff. The mainstream media and much of our ruling class has attempted [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:07-08:00 September 11th, 2013|News From the Front|5 Comments

The New Axis of Evil and News from the Front

In my book, Lessons From Fallen Civilizations, I write: By 1500, the Sunni branch of Islam, administered by the Ottomans, ruled lands from Syria and Iraq, across the Maghreb to the Atlantic. And on the European mainland, it ruled all of Greece and the Balkans. By 1529, the Ottomans began their first siege of the [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:08-08:00 June 8th, 2013|News From the Front|Comments Off on The New Axis of Evil and News from the Front