The Downside of the Walker Win

While everyone in the US outside of the Democrat core constituencies celebrated Scott Walker’s win in the Wisconsin recall election, there was a disturbing aspect to it. Despite the fact that Walkers reforms reversed his state’s slide into insolvency, reversing a 3 billion dollar annual deficit into a break-even revenue stream without firing any government employees, despite the fact that his reforms were driving down Wisconsin’s unemployment rate and the business startups were once again flourishing in his state, 45% of Wisconsinites voted against him.


The Wisconsin vote mirrors the fact that 1 in 6 Americans are now poor, the highest ratio in 30 years, that 1 in 7 Americans are on food stamps, and 47% of Americans are now receiving federal benefits and are net dependents upon the government, the highest ratio of American dependency ever.

As Alexis de Tocqueville in the 1830’s, in his Democracy in America, in flowery 19th century language, warned that, if American’s learned to vote themselves a paycheck, the Republic would be doomed.

While many look at Scott Walkers victory as a sign that we are still a self-reliant America, the numbers show that we have neared a tipping point where decline will be permanent and irreversible.

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:15-08:00 June 11th, 2012|United States of America|Comments Off on The Downside of the Walker Win

About the Author:

Larry Kelley’s life was utterly changed by 9/11. On the day after the attacks, on his way to work, he was struck by the sudden realization that World War III had commenced. Like most Americans he desperately wanted to find out who were these people who attacked us, what could ordinary citizens do to join the battle and how can those plotting to kill us in future attacks be defeated. Mr. Kelley has written scores of columns on the dangers of western complacency.