Archived Articles by Larry Kelley 2017-02-28T07:31:03-08:00

Archived Articles by Larry Kelley

A compilation of all Larry Kelley’s published articles, blog posts and opinions.

A Dependency Train Wreck

With four Americans including a US ambassador killed by a motley band of terrorists, our consulate burned down, a highly decorated general and CIA Director dissembling before Congress, a Secretary of Defense, a UN Ambassador and a President publicly contradicting themselves, we are witnessing malfeasance on a spectacular scale. Ask [...]

November 16th, 2012|

The Permanent Marxist Majority

Ominously, Tuesday night we found that an electoral majority can be assembled from among of the ultra rich, minorities, cultural liberals, unionized workers, the easily duped young idealists, and women, and that they can be mustered by an eloquent advocate of the compulsory society. Given this president’s dismal record over [...]

November 7th, 2012|

Vote 2012!!

It is widely understood that our current entitlements, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the vast welfare beurocracies have already put this country on course toward insolvency and a fate similar to what Greece faces today. But the daunting thing to consider is nearly one half of American voters will vote [...]

November 6th, 2012|

Obama’s War on Women

If it were not so infuriating the Obama campaign’s accusation that it is Romney who is conducting a war on women, it would be laughable for its abject hypocrisy. It recently came to light that the women on the Obama White House staff were being paid far less than their [...]

October 25th, 2012|

Obama’s Candy Crowley Moment

In the just concluded Townhall debate, the most telling moment signaling Obama’s utter failure as President came during the discussion of the Benghazi attack. Obama was crashing and burning in his vein attempt to defend his own defenseless statements and those of his administration which labeled an al-Qaeda attack as [...]

October 17th, 2012|

Biden Breakdown

Last night, while we observed a clearly deranged sitting vice president who found it necessary to feign laughter while the topics of the debate ranged from why millions of American are sinking into poverty to the danger of nuclear war in the Middle East, it’s important to remember this man’s [...]

October 12th, 2012|