Cindy Sheehan Indulges in Happy Fantasies of Perpetual Safety

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:27-08:00 October 26th, 2005|California, Human Events|

Country Joe Mac Donald penned that 1960s memorable musical refrain—So it’s one, two, three, what’re we fightin’ for?/Don’t give a damn, next stop is Viet Nam. He was also one of the warm up acts for the Welcome Home Cindy Sheehan event held last week at the Grand Lake Theater here in Oakland.  Not one [...]

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Is California Ungovernable? 

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:28-08:00 September 21st, 2005|California, Human Events|

Part One: Break the Gerrymander or Bust In the 1830s, Alexis de Toqueville, coined an immortal phrase, the tyranny of the majority. While touring our young country, the French journalist and aristocrat became an enthusiast for the American experiment, yet he presciently warned that, like republics of antiquity, universal suffrage leads to the ‘public treasury [...]

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Iranian Spy Stories and Fear of Armageddon

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:28-08:00 August 1st, 2005|Book Reviews|

Book Review: Countdown to Crisis by Ken Timmerman Throughout the 1930s, although he been a popular war hero, author, Lord of the Admiralty and had held numerous cabinet ministries, Winston Churchill, remained a “back bencher” barely holding on to his seat in the House of Commons. He was scorned by the media and virtually the [...]

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Moe The Assassin

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:28-08:00 July 11th, 2005|Islam and the West|

With the bombings in London providing a backdrop, it’s important to note that just last year, the U.S. State Department named Iran as the most active sponsor of terrorism. And with the sham election and elevation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Moe the Assassin) to the Presidency of Iran, one can easily view [...]

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Atomic Iran

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:29-08:00 June 1st, 2005|Book Reviews, Human Events, Islam and the West|

On a September morning in 490 B.C., 9,000 free citizen soldiers from Athens watched the 26,000 Persians, disembarking their ships that were beached beside the plain of Marathon. On the bluffs above, the Athenian general, Militiades, saw that the Persians were not fully prepared. Their archers, who could flood the sky with arrows, were not [...]

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Media Group Think and Congressional Keystone Cops

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:30-08:00 May 10th, 2005|Islam and the West|

“We have found no credible evidence that Iraq and al Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States.” Statement No. 15
,  9/11 Commission Staff Report Iraq continue(d) to be a safe haven a transit point, and operational node for groups and individuals who direct violence against the U.S., Israel, and our allies. Senate Intelligence Report, [...]

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Passport—An Epic Novel

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:30-08:00 April 10th, 2005|Book Reviews|

Can there be anything more sacred or more defining for a Kerry-voting liberal than the certain knowledge that our war in Viet Nam was evil? Yet in a remarkable twist of fate, the Kerry campaign continues to compel us to revisit the Viet Nam era. Therefore, Bruce Herschensohn’s Passport, the definitive novel of the Cold [...]

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Killer Immigration

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:30-08:00 April 10th, 2005|Disarming America, Rome|

DUBAI (AFP) – Osama bin Laden (OBL) attempted to communicate with Al-Qaeda’s front man in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, through a letter that was seized when a ground courier in Pakistan was intercepted. A US counter-terrorism official said in Washington last month that OBL had suggested to Zarqawi that he get [...]

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For the American Left, Oil for Food Will be Poison   

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:31-08:00 February 14th, 2005|Disarming America, Islam and the West|

With the guilty plea of that highly-bribed lobbyist, Samir Vincent, another shoe has dropped in the Oil for Food Iraq Theft (OFFIT), a swindle that may just be the largest in the long history of human thievery.  Because of its massive size and depravity, it will serve to further discredit [...]

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War Stories II: Heroism in the Pacific

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:31-08:00 November 22nd, 2004|Book Reviews, Human Events|

With the reelection of George Bush, the world has been put on notice that his doctrine of preemption will stay in place and that the U.S., in waging war on terror, will stay on offense. If new theaters are opened and the conflict widens or worsens, it’s apparent the country’s mettle and resolve will be [...]

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