Can Congress Protect Us from the Next Munich Pact?

With the Iran deal -- the JCPOC (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) -- now being reviewed by Congress, many of us worry that Obama and team will prove to be even worse negotiators than was Neville Chamberlain, the man whose contribution to the 1938 Munich Pact with Hitler’s Nazi Germany guaranteed World War II. All Americans [...]

By | 2016-03-10T05:29:52-08:00 August 7th, 2015|News From the Front, Published Articles, Townhall Magazine|Comments Off on Can Congress Protect Us from the Next Munich Pact?

Political Correctness: What Went Wrong in Paris, Ottawa, Seattle and New York

Article posted January 19, 2015 on What are the commonalities relevant to the Paris attacks, the attack on the Canadian Parliament last October, Mayor de Blasio’s debacle in New York, and the plight of Seattle-based cartoonist, Molly Norris, the first American journalist forced into hiding by militant Islam? Answer—they are all the end result [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:06-08:00 January 19th, 2015|News From the Front, Published Articles, Townhall Magazine|Comments Off on Political Correctness: What Went Wrong in Paris, Ottawa, Seattle and New York

LK Interviewed

Larry Kelley was interviewed today on in a story surrounding the recent attacks in Paris. Watch the video below! Local artist remains in hiding after Islamic cartoon controversy   Be sure to check out

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:06-08:00 January 9th, 2015|blogroll, Media Appearances, News From the Front|Comments Off on LK Interviewed

Larry Kelley on Coast to Coast Radio

Larry Kelley on Coast to Coast Radio Larry Kelley Interview on Coast to Coast with John B Wells Listen to Larry Kelley’s multiple appearances on Coast to Coast AM with John B. Wells. All without the commercials and news breaks.  It is a riveting interview focusing on why great civilizations fail and what that means [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:06-08:00 September 23rd, 2014|blogroll, Media Appearances|Comments Off on Larry Kelley on Coast to Coast Radio

Operation Free Persia
(The fifth in a series – Why Will America Not Go Egypt?)

In the same week that the nation watched the Obamacare rollout crash and burn American supremacy in the Middle East continued to implode.  Our allies signaled that they had had enough of this president’s relentless propensity to court enemies while snubbing friends. Among this administration’s myriad foreign policy blunders, the Syrian debacle continued to degrade [...]

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:07-08:00 October 29th, 2013|News From the Front|Comments Off on Operation Free Persia
(The fifth in a series – Why Will America Not Go Egypt?)