Obama’s Candy Crowley Moment

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:13-08:00 October 17th, 2012|Presidential Election|

In the just concluded Townhall debate, the most telling moment signaling Obama’s utter failure as President came during the discussion of the Benghazi attack. Obama was crashing and burning in his vein attempt to defend his own defenseless statements and those of his administration which labeled an al-Qaeda attack as a spontaneous reaction to an [...]

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Biden Breakdown

By | 2012-10-12T15:33:57-07:00 October 12th, 2012|Presidential Election|

Last night, while we observed a clearly deranged sitting vice president who found it necessary to feign laughter while the topics of the debate ranged from why millions of American are sinking into poverty to the danger of nuclear war in the Middle East, it’s important to remember this man’s foreign policy record. He is [...]

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While Our Embassies are Torched, Obama Pedals Lies

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:13-08:00 September 18th, 2012|Disarming America, Islam, United States of America|

Fair warning: This is a no holds barred view of recent events. I have some personal connection to the recent atrocities that occurred in the embassies and feel the administration is lying about its own malfeasance. Although it is impossible to know with any great precision what percentage of the planet’s 1.2 billion Muslims are [...]

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Radio Appearance on 9/11 Anniversary

By | 2013-02-11T08:07:46-08:00 September 11th, 2012|blogroll|

In recognition of the eleven year anniversary of 9/11, I will be appearing on the radio show, America Now with Andy Dean which is syndicated over 60 affiliates nationwide on the Premier Radio Network. My appearance will begin at 5:30 pm PDT – 8:30 EST. In Northern California, you can hear the show on KSTE [...]

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With the Fall of Mubarak, a Window into the Islamic Soul Opened

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:13-08:00 September 6th, 2012|Disarming America, Islam and the West, Islam Women|

Now that the Democrat Party platform under Barack Obama has dropped its support for Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, I’d like to draw your attention to an article I wrote last year about the Arab Spring the fall the Egypt and the horrific gang rape of journalist, Lara Logan. Shortly after the fall of Mubarak, on February [...]

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Preventing World War III

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:13-08:00 August 27th, 2012|Presidential Election, United States of America|

Yesterday Mitt Romney unveiled his plan to make the country energy independent by 2020. In the summation of my book, Lessons from Fallen Civilizations, I predicted that by the eve of this election, the American public would yearn for a new president who would understand the strategic importance of American energy independence. (see Economic Freedom [...]

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A Deathbed Confession

By | 2012-08-27T09:10:28-07:00 August 22nd, 2012|Presidential Election, United States of America|

Now that Newsweek is about to go dark, its latest cover story is simultaneously historic while taking on the aspect of a death-bed confession. Reports are that it is out of money and will soon be an online publication only. For decades, the magazine has been a lock-step member in good standing of the Left, [...]

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Welcome Blaze Readers

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:13-08:00 August 21st, 2012|Book Reviews|

Welcome Blaze Listeners. Islamic aggression toward the West is not new. It’s been happening for fourteen centuries and has resulted in the fall of Christian Middle East. Using history as our guide, we must ask: Can a Bankrupt America Survive the Current Islamic Threat? Today, new militant Muslims live among us here in America as our neighbors, college roommates and [...]

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Biden is Mentally Unfit to Serve

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:13-08:00 August 16th, 2012|Presidential Election, United States of America|

As we assess Biden’s latest gaff, “He gonna put you all back in chains,” the unmistakable conclusion is that the depth of the nation’s Vice President’s mental state is very worrying. As he warns his audience that the modern Republican Party wants to reinstitute slavery, he draws attention to the fact that modern Democrat party [...]

Islam’s Genocide Problem

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:13-08:00 August 14th, 2012|Islam|

My friend, Nonie Darwish, is an author, speaker, and a courageous advocate in the cause to prevent Islam from realizing its stated goal—that being, the gradual subversion and ultimate conquest of the West. On her two websites, www.arabsforIsrael.com and www.formerMuslimsunited.com, she exposes the brutality of supremacist Islam in a way that only a women born [...]

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