Archived Articles by Larry Kelley
A compilation of all Larry Kelley’s published articles, blog posts and opinions.
Biden is Mentally Unfit to Serve
As we assess Biden’s latest gaff, “He gonna put you all back in chains,” the unmistakable conclusion is that the depth of the nation’s Vice President’s mental state is very worrying. As he warns his audience that the modern Republican Party wants to reinstitute slavery, he draws attention to the [...]
Islam’s Genocide Problem
My friend, Nonie Darwish, is an author, speaker, and a courageous advocate in the cause to prevent Islam from realizing its stated goal—that being, the gradual subversion and ultimate conquest of the West. On her two websites, and, she exposes the brutality of supremacist Islam in a way [...]
When Assimilation is Impossible
Rudyard Kipling records that a 19th century British viceroy of the Indian Raj who, upon taking command of his province, learned it was the custom, at a man’s funeral, for the villagers to throw his almost always much younger surviving wife onto the deceased man’s funeral pyre—while she was still [...]
Can a Willfully Blind People Hope to Survive?
This week, Rush Limbaugh spent a good deal of time discussing a courageous piece by Andy McCarthy entitled, The Wages of Willful Blindness: Is it Time for Defenders of Liberty to Abandon the GOP?. While McCarthy’s entire body of work regarding mainstream Islam demonstrates his fearlessness, with this new article [...]
With the Fall of Syria the Left May be Implicated in Treason
Jordan’s King Abdullah has recently warned the world that a collapsing Syria creates the risk that its chemical weapons stores will fall into the hands al Qaeda and or sundry other Middle Eastern terrorist groups. But should those weapons come under the control of international agencies, a prospect that is [...]
Stupidity On Parade
James Carville, the man who Rush Limbaugh refers to as “Snakehead,” is now out hawking his new book, It’s the Middle Class, Stupid! But the embarrassing problem for Carville and his co author, Stanley Greenberg, is that in order to believe that that they have the proper prescriptions for the [...]