We’re All Infidels Now

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:18-08:00 November 1st, 2009|Islam Women, Nuclear Iran, Townhall Magazine|

Original Article in Townhall Magazine (pdf) In the spring of 1945, when a liberated survivor of a World War II Nazi death camp was asked what he had learned from his ordeal, he replied, “When someone says he wants to kill you, believe him.” During the holocaust, in what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has [...]

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The California Crack-Up

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:18-08:00 May 1st, 2009|California, Townhall Magazine, US Financial Policies|

Original article in Townhall Magazine (pdf) The crisis facing the Golden State serves as a powerful cautionary tale for the rest of America. If the United States follows the missteps of California, it will find the same fate. While Karl Marx believed that socialism—and ultimately communism—would replace capitalism as the morally superior societal system, it [...]

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California Fractured and Fading

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:18-08:00 April 1st, 2009|California, Townhall Magazine|

Original article in Townhall Magazine (pdf) If California doesn’t confront its illegal immigration problems and assimilate its people to American culture, it risks further balkanization—and we could be looking at a new Republica Del Norte. By A.D. 475, Bishop of Clermont Sidonius Apollinaris had led a five-year heroic resistance against the Visigoths. He recorded his [...]

Another New Deal is a Bad Deal

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:18-08:00 December 19th, 2008|San Francisco Chronicle, US Financial Policies|

Despite a projected $1 trillion deficit next year, President-elect Barack Obama has requested that Congress send him a $1 trillion stimulus bill by Jan. 20, so that he can immediately launch the New Deal II, putting people to work building infrastructure, roads, bridges, schools, transportation systems, green technologies, etc. In this, he seems to betray [...]

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Iran: Enemy No 1

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:18-08:00 October 1st, 2008|Islam and the West, Townhall Magazine|

Original article in Townhall Magazine (pdf) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his masters, the ruling mullahs of Iran, continue to threaten the United States and the rest of the West, as well as their own people. Who are they, and how can they be stopped? During the decade of the 150s B.C., Cato the Elder [...]

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Europe’s Untold Radical Islam Threat

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:18-08:00 August 1st, 2008|Europe, Townhall Magazine|

Original article in Townhall Magazine (pdf) It has been less than 100 years since Ottoman rule was removed from the European landmass, but, due to the actions of both the Clinton and Bush administrations, NATO and the EU, Islamic militants—the neo-Ottomans—are in control of two new European governments. With catastrophic consequences to follow, Western democracies [...]

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Book Review: American Heroes in the Fight Against Radical Islam by Oliver North

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:19-08:00 July 31st, 2008|Book Reviews, Human Events, Islam and the West|

Ollie North Vividly Portrays the American Heroes By 204 B.C., the Carthaginian general, Hannibal, had been wreaking havoc on the Italian peninsula for 14 years at a cost to Rome and its Italian allies of approximately 100,000 lives. In that year, a young charismatic general from one of Rome’s most aristocratic families, Cornelius Scipio, convinced [...]

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Timmerman Exposes Saboteurs in Our Government

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:19-08:00 February 4th, 2008|Book Reviews, Disarming America, Human Events, Nuclear Iran|

Kenneth Timmerman’s new book, Shadow Warriors: The Untold Story of Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender, is a potent assault on the enemy within. The late great U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeanne Kirkpatrick once reflected upon her role in the war against the Communist bloc and its sycophants by remarking, “We understood [...]

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What’s Wrong in California Can Spread to the Rest of U.S.

By | 2016-04-30T12:42:41-07:00 October 17th, 2007|California, Human Events|

Jack Cashill is a national treasure. His latest book, What’s the Matter with California: Cultural Rumbles From the Golden State and Why the Rest of Us Should Be Shaking, is a highly informative and an important commentary. I recently caught up to Cashill at a speaking engagement at a gathering of San Francisco Bay Area [...]

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An ‘Infidel’ Reveals Islam’s Internal Fight

By | 2017-02-28T07:31:19-08:00 June 4th, 2007|Human Events, Islam Women|

Edward Gibbon, perhaps the preeminent historian of the second millennium, in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, wrote that Mohammed had “no more than 17 wives: 11 enumerated and who occupied at Medina their separate apartments round the house of the apostle, and enjoyed in their turns the favor of his conjugal society.” [...]

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